A few weeks back I posted a review of Tigi's Copyright Colour bleach , revealing just how incredible a job it does of bleaching t...

Hello hello! I hope you’ve all had a great first month of 2015 and haven’t broken too many of your New Year’s Resolutions already! Sp...

  You'll have probably already seen 'Look Up' the spoken word film from Gary Turk, it was uploaded to YouTube in April 2014...

  We've all witnessed the explosion of hair colour of late, it seems everyone's getting in on the act! For us Mermaidians and ...

To the haters, with love. Now here's a topic to set your heart racing! As the online world grows, the haters grow with it. Th...

Happy new year folks!  I always find it odd how we celebrate the clock striking the twelfth hour of the 365th (or 366th) day of e...

Fashionicide 2024