Charity Shop Madness! & A Quick Catch-Up

Hello Hello! I'm sure I've mentioned this at some point in the past, but I have to say I truly hate charity shops. The focal poi...

Hello Hello!

I'm sure I've mentioned this at some point in the past, but I have to say I truly hate charity shops. The focal point of the local community is like a mini-high street, that used to have all sorts of useful/odd/cute shops. But the recession has well and truly hit hard, so we're stuck with about 8 charity shops all within 30 seconds walk of each other... ugh!

Aside from the fact they are over-running my little high street, they all seem to be full of complete shit. There have been occasions where I have found literally nothing and just bought for the sake of it. I have this madness that overcomes me, it makes me think that buying from charity shops is cool.

Then I get home, realise I've bought a size 16 cardigan with a zillion holes in it, and think. WHY? and NEVER AGAIN.

So against this backdrop of horrid charity shops and my complete disdain for them, I have to say that I actually have found something worth spending my hard-earned pennies on. Incredibly, it fits me, has no holes in it, it's from Miss Selfridge and it's ace. As soon as I saw it, my brain had a little arguement:

"Buy it" said one half.

"We've been here before" said t'other.

"But this isn't like the other times!"

"Yes it is, it will end in tears and you'll come running to me saying how you should have trusted me etc..."

"Fchj*k OFF, I'm buying it"

YES, I won! And no it was definitely not like all the other times, she is a beauty and I cannot stop wearing her. Despite the minor annoyance of there being a bit too many bobbles, I am just too friggin' happy with this. Judge for yourself:


FYI: The burgundy bandage bodycon skirt (serious alliteration!) is from Topshop, last season...


Even Cats love it...


See, she justs wants to be near it...


Lightening doesn't strike twice... These suede, vintage-looking babies were definitely not from a charity shop! They were found in another one of my pet-hates. A sale. At Office.

Speaking of the cat, I have discovered she has a bit of an OCD thing going on. Just like most cats, she just loves to clean herself but just lately she's been overdoing it a little and ripping out her fur. Worrying.

Catch Up Time...

I've had a few emails on my fish eye effect. It's not an effect as such, I used the Nikon Nikkor 10.5mm Fish-eye Lens. I bought it second-hand but believe me it was not cheap. My purse didn't like it at first, but I think now they are on speaking terms.

I received the most sweetest e-mail ever from one of my readers. Seriously, I was having the day from hell. Girl, it's people like you that make me love blogging! :)

Luckily for me (and hopefully for you all too) my lifestyle is probably about to completely change for the better 'cause I'll be able to blog more regularly as I'll have more free time to write and take photos during the day.. YES.

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  1. Ah what a great find! All the charity shops round my area seem to be full of primark tat. My last find was a basic topshop vest for 99p but nothing to shout about really xx

  2. I love the pattern of your knit sweater!

  3. Such an amazing cardigan!! I am in love with the colours!

  4. Iove the colour and print. I totally agree with your about charity shops, I never find anything, yet still seem to come out with an average looking old lady clutch or battered pair of heels I can never bring myself to wear!

    The doll on fashion

  5. Haha Halli lovin the skitzo moment there, but iv been through this, whenever i 'feel' like shopping i drag my sister with me because she watches the pennies for me lol... ps that cardy has as much colour on it as my top the other day...BOO YAH! hehe

    LOVE your cam! Pics are amazing and you are quite the poser lol

  6. Oo love it! Such a rarity finding something amazing in a charity shop. Defo a Halima cardigan.
    Btw your hubby is a pretty good photographer and you...always love your blog pics.

  7. I hear ya! My high street is exactly the same! It used to have a few decent shops but now its just full of charity shops :-( You managed to find a good one though...that cardy looks fab and so cosy!

  8. btw I have given you the Sunshine Award on my blog xx

  9. Love, love, love it babe, its so you! :D And well its has Cat's seal of approval so there ya go really, nuff said ;) I always go in to charity shops with the highest of hopes that I'll find something awesomely vintage but nope....hasn't happened yet!

    Love Aysh xoxo

  10. Hi dear, I am new to your blog and I love your writing style and photography! I will definitely be stopping by regularly! =)

  11. Love your skirt! Adore it!

  12. Love the outfit and the cat hehe xxxx


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